Rina SESTITO ARCE graduated from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Geneva and she has always had a fervent interest in art, history and archaeology. She starts as a secondary school teacher and goes on to integrate the Protocol Department at the City of Geneva.
She then follows her husband to Colmar – Alsace – for his work and discovers together with her three children. A few years later, she aspires to get back into active life and discovers the so-called “alternative” medicine. Intrigued, she enrolls in several classes, and in particular kinesiology and biological decryption of illnesses and life events.
She also worked as a translator – interpreter at the Colmar Regional Court and at the moment of taking her oath, she meets a colleague who informs her that the Tourism Office is desperately searching for Italian-speaking guides.
Working as a guide becomes a pretext to undertake research on art and history and also on traditions and legends. One day she makes a lapsus by typing “argotica” in her search engine: an article in Italian appears, it talks about the esoteric dimension of the gothic cathedral and this discovery will not let her go.
Since she decided to share her new passion : reveal to the Person searching the meaning of life the spiritual dimension of the sacred pieces, could be a place, a building, a painting or a sculpture.
A cathedral is more than a religious place, it is the therapeutic Path, a healing building : to be convinced, it is necessary to know the power of terrestrial energies, of the geometry, of the colors, of the material used for the construction and the symbols shelled in the building.
It is time to build a new world, a sustainable world which would be able to link Science and Spirituality, Reason and Unconsciousness, Rational and Intuition : Man and Woman !
The discovery

The irony is that it seems there is a “coincidence” between the vision that our Ancients had of the Afterlife and the observations made in quantum physics or with persons who lived a near-death experience.
And to say that when she started as a guide what bored her most was to explain the cathedral…

– Yes, but all the other days we will live.

Meet me for an introduction to alchemy to build the world of… tomorrow !


Rina Sestito Arce wrote Gotiqvantica, a book about the esoteric dimension of the most beautiful gothic cathedral of Europe. An initiator journey, a mystical view about the creations of the builders of God.
All promised to Heaven, we are all doomed to the Light. So be it.
This book reveals the esoteric language present in the cathedral, made of symbols, geometry, proportions or orientation. A language that comes from knowledge of ancient civilizations : rather than a religious building, the cathedral is a mineral book that presents a universal spirituality, a vision of life and death similar to that that can be observed in earlier sacred places, like the Egyptian pyramids or Stonehenge.
The reader discovers that the cathedral is a July where the visitor is invited to walk, a path similar to that of the pilgrims for Compostela, similar to that undertaken by King Arthur in search of the Grail.

By decrypting some “details” present in the cathedral, it is then possible to understand the spiritual teaching, the vision of life, of death… or after life…
After all, the essence of the teaching proposed by the Gothic cathedral lies in its space, in its emptiness. A resonance box constructed in a similar way to our Universe in which we evolve and which produces a Permanent Sound.
We are about to experience a new Age where Science and Spirituality seem to have the same vision of the Universe, of Matter, of Life. The Unvierso is a sound and music is one of the master expressions of esoteric language. Composed of 7 keys, the musical notes must therefore open 7 doors. This book ambitions to show you the locks…

We are slow waves of light and sound, a traveling packet of frequencies tuned to the cosmos. We are souls dressed in the sacred clothes of biochemistry and our bodies are the instruments with which our souls play their music. [… ] All is energy and that is all we need to understand. Align yourself with the frequencies of the reality you desire and this reality will manifest. It cannot be otherwise. It is not philosophy. It is physics. Albert Einstein

The Issenheim altarpiece

Rina Sestito Arce is the author of Le retable d’Issenheim, grimoire alchimique pour Compostelle. Written in French and German, this book offers a novel and mystical reading of this exceptional polyptych inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
On the way to Compostela, the Issenheim polyptych is usually presented as an artistic masterpiece in the service of the religious teaching of the Catholic Church. But the author is the only one to “prove” that the work presents many “details” at double reading suggesting a spiritual message, universal, even… ALCHEMICAL !

This vision of Issenheim’s polyptych is not only original : the alchemist’s gaze allows a more complete and profound understanding of this work !



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Reader comments

« J’ai eu le plaisir de voir votre série “L’alchimie pour le monde de demain “ sur YouTube. J’ai aussitôt acquis votre livre GOTIQVANTICA que j’ai dévoré en 3 jours.
Je tiens à vous dire que cela a “résonné / raisonné” 🙂 en moi. Pour la petite histoire, tout ce qui m’avait intéressé, interpellé, fasciné jusqu’à ce jour (j’ai 60 ans) est devenu cohérent, clair dans ma sensibilité et mes recherches. »
« [..]mon retour à la fin de lecture de vos 2 livres.
Je le ressens comme un « chant » d’espoir. Ce travail sur soi à faire avec cette volonté de trouver la lumière pour prendre conscience que nous en faisions partie et que nous la retrouverons.
Il se dégage donc de vos écris de garder ainsi espérance et de rester sur cette tâche de «travailleur » et de comprendre et d’accepter la polarité de cet univers.
De comprendre que la « connaissance » est de passer par l’expérience de cette vie. »
Ce qui a de très étonnant, c’est que c’est un « discours », une « guidance » de Maître que je ne connaissais pas au féminin. C’est très agréable comme nouvelle perspective.
Vous êtes de plus courageuse et audacieuse avec votre deuxième livre sur l’interprétation du retable. Remarquable car toujours dans l’énergie de la beauté, mystère et mystique de la vie.
Je vous dis merci merci merci pour ce travail de transmission et vous souhaite de belles choses.» Daniel CASTELLO, 2022

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